175 Grams

I had the words a few minutes ago. I sit down to write, though, and I realize they’re fleeting. My mind goes back and forth, wanting to write and share, and then wanting to close my eyes until sleep takes me. But I’m going to write. They’re mere words, and while...

Sarah VanWagenen

Many days lately – and many to come – have sadness because of the suffering, and now passing, of Sarah VanWagenen. One comfort in these days of sadness, and the days to come, is having had the gladness of her life. In Ultimate Peace, as in life, we open...

Kicking Off the Year in Tamra

We’ve had nearly everything so far this year canceling practices aside from rain. We’ve had holidays, municipal elections, missing buses, unavailable coaches. I’ve been looking forward to the back-to-back practices for the two teams in Tamra ever since it became clear...