Tanya Bearson began playing Ultimate Frisbee at camps sponsored by Bay Area Disc Association (BADA) when she was eight. Ever since then she has been devoted to the sport. From day one out on the field, Tanya could tell Ultimate was something special. As she pursued frisbee more seriously, Tanya realized what she valued so deeply: the community it welcomed her into. One that was friendly, fun, encouraging, and open to new perspectives. Through playing on Berkeley High Coup Red (varsity), California Roll, Belly of the Beast, and other teams, Tanya has grown as a person. She has learned how to problem-solve, make new friends, challenge herself, not give up, ask questions, and work with others. Tanya wants to use the valuable skills she has learned in order to do something productive. She knows how powerful Ultimate can be, how players learn self-advocating, and problem solving. She wants to help more youth experience its magic. Tanya attended the Youth Ultimate Coaching Conference run by BADA and was amazed at the way people use Ultimate to tackle real world issues, both within the sport and beyond. She recently joined the girls’ Ultimate leadership sessions hoping to get more girls involved in Ultimate. And she applied for her dream, Ultimate Peace, a perfect way to use the sport as a means to work through conflicts and form friendships. Tanya knows there are no easy solutions to resolve the conflicts in the Middle East, however she is inspired by how Ultimate Peace chooses to approach the issues, through building friendships and understanding. Tanya Bearson could not be more excited to go to Ultimate Peace this summer!