Our mission is to unite and ignite youth separated by cultural divides through the sport and community of ultimate.

CAMP 2025 IS ON!!

From june 28th to July 4th join us in this amazing adventure!

Click here to find all the information you need either if you want to be a camper or a coach for the Camp

Ultimate is...

One of the fastest growing team sports in the world, self-officiated without referees, rooted in sportsmanship, fairness, and spirited competition.

Peace is...

The experience of personal tranquility and human connection in a shared and safe community.

Ultimate Peace is...

A groundbreaking sports and leadership program that creates space for youth impacted by societal and cultural division to flourish together.

Our Programs

Unifly Middle East

Ultimate Peace was conceived in 2009, as a Middle East-based program designed to bring together youth in the region who would never otherwise meet, to play, create community, and learn new ways of interacting through sport.

Since 2010, Ultimate Peace has provided a dynamic year-round program for over 2,000 self-identified Arab, Palestinian, and Jewish youth from over 20 communities in Israel and the West Bank to pursue these aims.

Due to Covid and the current war in the Middle East, the program has experienced difficulties in sustaining its program delivery. Nonetheless, we continue our Ultimate programs in diverse communities as we begin 2024.

We are redoubling our efforts to serve youth in the region – each young person in every community deserves to play and experience new friendships in a safe secure setting.

The new Unifly website is under construction and will be live in spring of 2024

U.S. Programs

Now that the Middle East program, renamed Unifly, has been enhanced and relaunched, we are excited to apply our learning over the last decade in a US-based overnight summer camp, to directly address our own familiar social and cultural divides.

UP alumni, staff, and Board believe our innovative design has great potential to impact a segment of the next generation of young US leaders.

Some of the pictures of this page illustrate the huge success that was our first US Summer Camp.

In July 2023, 80 campers from around the North America came to Lawrenceville New Jersey for our first week long overnight camp.

Planning for an expanded Camp UP summer session in 2024 is in full swing!

Help Support the Ultimate Peace US Summer Camp

Join us and help make a difference, please give today.

Ultimate Peace is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that prides itself on achieving highest impact with modest funding.

We provide full or partial scholarships to over 2/3 of our population, to ensure that we are able to attract campers from all walks of life. To continue this, we need your support.