2015 CIT Graduation

by | Jul 27, 2015

On Saturday evening, the entire Camp UP 2015 came together to celebrate the 2nd graduating class of CITs.  (Coaches in Training)  Six young leaders sat in the middle of the stage.  Staff who had worked with them sat behind them, past graduates to their right, and UP leaders David and Linda to their left.

Ali, a former CIT himself, acted as master of ceremonies, inviting up first Linda and David to put the evening in context for the camp.  Local staff who have worked with the graduates during the year said a couple words for each of them, before presenting them with a certificate and the now traditional CIT graduation shirt.

Each of Shadda, Hassan, Mais, Yonatan (Yabi), Noa, and Mohammed (Hosa) have left a mark on the organization, and everyone they have touched along the way.  While each graduate in turn heard about their accomplishments, special notice was taken of two.  This past year, Yabi opened a new community for UP in Herzeliya, not a small feat for anyone let alone a 17 year old.  Hosa showed from his very first UP experiences that he was a special guy – missing out on an award because he was too busy making friends.  To this day he still brings the same energy with him everywhere he goes that makes you can’t help but smile.

These six former CITs, now assistant coaches, represent the values of Ultimate Peace.  They put in hard work, took on new responsibilities, and consistently set a positive example.  We all look forward to seeing what new and exciting directions they lead UP in.

As the evening came to a close, Ali asked the assembled camp who wants to be a CIT some day.  Many hands went up.  And then, it true UP fashion, everyone went out to the field to throw discs, hang out, and make new friends.

Continue following the goings on at Camp UP 2015 on Facebook and on our blog where we have new posts from coaches Carly and Kelsie.