Emily Molloy

Emily Molloy

Emily began playing ultimate very casually in her freshman year of college when she caught sight of friends from her dorm playing and joined in out of curiosity. She quickly learned that, “when in doubt, you should always throw the hammer”, was tricked...
Charlotte Matos

Charlotte Matos

I started playing Ultimate with the university team of my hometown, Geneva, when I began my medical studies. I wanted to try a team and fun sport for the first time (no time any more for competition and socializing). But I didn’t know I was stepping in a huge...
Cliff Marhoefer

Cliff Marhoefer

Cliff lives in Portland, OR, where he shares a Chiropractic practice with his wife, Amy. He was drawn to the flight of the disc before he knew of Ultimate, beginning with other disc sports (trick throws and catches, disc golf, distance, etc) in high school. He started...
Kailee Karr

Kailee Karr

You may know her as “hot dog lady” or “that weird girl dancing uncomfortably close to me at the tournament party”, but Kailee had her humble Ultimate beginnings as “Biggest Betty”. She played four years with Betty Ultimate at The University of Kansas, captaining them...
Dominik Jockers

Dominik Jockers

It is now almost 5 years that Dominik started Ultimate at University, not knowing where this all will come to. By getting around in Europe he picked up the disk wherever he could, enjoying the play, spirit and community of this amazing sport. at the moment he is...