Ari Nitikman

Ari Nitikman

I started playing Ultimate in Grade 6 at Stratford Hall, a school so small that if it wanted to field a single gender soccer team, it would need players from 3-4 different grades. Thus, Ultimate was perfect because it was co-ed. After graduating, I went onto play a...
Alyssa Renaud

Alyssa Renaud

Alyssa first discovered ultimate her freshman year of college at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. Initially it was not the sport that she fell in love with, but the people and the culture that surrounded it. From day one she felt welcomed and a part of...
MK Andersen

MK Andersen

MK began playing ultimate her freshman year at the University of Notre Dame.  She joined for the quirky people and stayed for the sport.  Notre Dame’s unique ultimate program showed her just how supportive the ultimate community is and that she’ll never...

Jon Atkins

Jon “Frozone” Atkins, aka Jacob’s friend first became obsessed with the sport he’d later learn to call Ultimate at a family wedding in Amherst, Massachusetts, which featured the traditionally-Amherst pre-nuptual ceremonial game to 15. As a...