Mary Andrews

Mary Andrews

My name is Mary Andrews and I am so excited to be returning to Ultimate Peace this summer! For the past two years at UP I have been an LIT and loved every minute of it, and I am so honored to be able to coach a team this year, as well as serve as a mentor for the...
Chris McDaniel

Chris McDaniel

Chris is an eternal optimist, a compulsive list-maker, a lover of the outdoors, a lousy driver, and a messy cook. She is constantly surrounded by an amazing group of people she feels privileged to call her family and friends. Chris started playing ultimate in 1992 and...
Lauren Pichard

Lauren Pichard

Lauren Pichard has been playing ultimate since middle school and developed a passion for the sport through its strong sense of community and core value: Spirit Of The Game. She first discovered Ultimate Peace through a school project in a history class called The...
James Hix

James Hix

James began his Ultimate ways in 2008 at Eastern University with the Exiles. To put it honestly, the Exiles were an incredible group of people that drew James into the sport. Since then, it has never been the absolute thrill of pulling down a beautiful huck or the...