Meet A CIT: Noam

Meet A CIT: Noam

Noam, a 2nd year CIT, is in the 11th grade in Ra’anana, a Jewish community just north of Tel Aviv.  Like many Ultimate Peace participants, he started off playing basketball, but fell in love with ultimate when a friend invited him to come to a practice.  Noam is...

Reflections from a Visiting Coach

When I arrived in Tel Aviv in October, I thought the following three months would play out like this: classes, internship, research, some new casual friends, and an anecdote or two about what I would be studying – “conflict in the Middle East.” It...
New Film On UP Hits The Air

New Film On UP Hits The Air

Mike Leonard, an long time Emmy-winning features correspondent for NBC, recently put together a look at Ultimate Peace for the latest episode of his new show on PBS, inCommon.  The piece was made in conjunction with The Telling Well, an organization Mike helped found...
Middle East Coaches Forum Meets

Middle East Coaches Forum Meets

More than twenty Ultimate Peace leaders gathered in Ein Rafa, outside Jerusalem, at the home of the UP Fellows on Saturday.  The main objective for the day was to get the ball rolling on a number of conversations.  The first conversation was a brief one about what...
Binyamina And Tamra Meet Up

Binyamina And Tamra Meet Up

A first for UP – On January 13, 2015,  25 players from Tamra (an Arab Israeli town) came to Binyamina (a Jewish Israeli town) where they met up with 25 local players for a half day of Ultimate and getting to know each other. These ninth-graders are from two...